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—湯瑪斯‧薩茲博士(Thomas Szasz)
湯瑪斯‧薩茲博士(Thomas Szasz 1920-2012)是紐約州立大學的精神病學榮譽教授、加圖智庫機構的客座學者,也是美國精神醫學會(APA)的終身會員。
薩茲對於他所共同創辦的公民人權委員會CCHR,曾經表示:「我們應該向 CCHR 致敬,因為在人類歷史上,這是第一次有人在國際間,建構了強而有力的政治、社會發聲管道,來對抗精神病學。對人類來說,這是史無前例的創舉。」
Professor Thomas Szasz On Psychiatry In Our Justice System
“It is unlikely that toxicologists would be tolerated in courts of law if one would observe that he found a large quantity of arsenic in the body of a deceased person, and another stated that he found by the same operation none. Yet this sorry spectacle is commonplace in regard to psychiatric findings.”
“The introduction of psychiatric considerations into the administration of the criminal law—for example, the insanity plea and verdict, diagnoses of mental incompetence to stand trial, and so forth—corrupt the law and victimize the subject on whose behalf they are employed.”
“All criminal behavior should be controlled by means of the criminal law, from the administration of which psychiatrists ought to be excluded.”
“My belief that the insanity defense should be abolished is based partly on a conceptual critique and partly on a practical one. Now the conceptual one, very briefly, is that insanity is a dubious term which can refer to one of two things: First, to a brain disease, and I will say something about that; and secondly, to misbehavior. Well, disease, brain disease, does not cause criminal acts. Epilepsy as a brain disease does not cause criminal acts. Epileptics may or may not, just like other people, commit crime. Now, insofar as the term insanity refers to behavior, it is a fiction. It is not a disease, and doctors have no competence in judging that. It’s usually determined after a person commits a crime; usually if something gets upsetting socially. My second basis for objecting to it is that the consequences of the insanity defense typically is incarceration in the name of diagnosis, disease, and treatment. And that is a charade and a misuse of the medical profession for depriving people of liberty who are nominally declared to be innocent.”
“I have long maintained that the institution of psychiatry rests on civil commitment and the insanity defense and that each is a paradigm of the perversion of power. If the person called ‘patient’ breaks no law, he has a right to liberty. And if he breaks the law, he ought to be tried and declared guilty or not guilty by the criminal justice system…. Some people assault, rape, rob and kill others and thus endanger society. What does psychiatry contribute to their management? Civil commitment, which is a euphemism for preventive detention; and the insanity defense-and-disposition, which is a euphemism for defining incarceration as treatment (or a strategy for excusing guilt). These two procedures are the pillars on which psychiatric power rests. Each authenticates the fiction of psychiatric expertise to manage ‘dangerousness.’ Each creates and confirms the illusion that we are coping wisely and well with vexing social problems, when in fact we are obfuscating and aggravating them. Psychiatric power thus corrupts not only the psychiatrists who wield it and the patients who are subjected to it, but the community that supports it as well…. There is neither justification nor need for involuntary psychiatric interventions….”
「我一直主張,精神病院是靠民事安置和精神失常辯護支撐的。這兩件事,都是濫用權力的典型事例。如果所謂的“病患”沒有違法,他就該有權享有自由。如果他犯了法,他就該接受刑事系統的審判,宣布有罪或無罪…… 有些人用暴力攻擊、強姦、搶劫、殺人,對社會造成危害。精神病學對管理他們有什麼貢獻?暫行安置,這是預先拘留比較委婉的說法;精神失常的辯護和處置,這是把監禁定義為治療(或許是消除罪惡感的一種策略),也是說法好聽點而已。這兩種程序,是精神病學強權賴以生存的支柱。兩者都驗證了精神病學對『危險』的專業管控純屬虛構。兩者都創造並且強化一種幻覺,那就是我們很聰明,把棘手的社會問題應付得不錯,但實際上,我們是在混淆是非,讓問題更加惡化。因此,精神病學強權不僅腐化了行使它的精神科醫生和接受它的患者,也敗壞了支持它的社區…… 精神病學的強制干預,既沒有正當理由也沒有必要……」
“If he who breaks the law is not punished, he who obeys it is cheated. This, and this alone, is why lawbreakers ought to be punished: to authenticate as good, and to encourage as useful, law-abiding behavior. The aim of criminal law cannot be correction or deterrence; it can only be the maintenance of the legal order.”
“There are few of us who have devoted our entire lives to fighting man’s inhumanity to man. Thomas Szasz was one of those few and now joins the rest of those freedom fighters who belong to history.” — Dr. Keith Hoeller, Editor, Existential Psychology & Psychiatry
“One of the smartest and most thorough defenders of autonomy and liberty of our time.” — Brian Doherty, Senior Editor, Reason Magazine
“Throughout his long life, he did not simply fight the good fight, he fought a truly magnificent fight.” — Professor Richard E. Vatz, Towson University
“No one attacks loose-thinking and folly with half the precision and zest of Thomas Szasz.”— John Leo, social science editor for U.S. News & World Report
「薩茲博士對於不嚴謹思想及愚蠢行為的抨擊,有著他人望塵莫及的精準與力道。」──約翰‧ 里歐,《美國新聞及世界報導》社會科學部編輯
“Thomas S. Szasz has steadfastly defended the values of humanism and personal autonomy against all who would constrain human freedom with shackles formed out of conceptual confusion, error, and willful deception.” — Dr. Richard E. Vatz, Professor, Towson State University
「湯瑪斯‧ 薩茲堅定地捍衛人道主義的價值、維護個人自主意識,讓有心人士無法利用混淆的觀念、錯誤,以及刻意的欺騙來禁錮人類的自由。」──理察.法茲教授,托森州立大學
“Arguably, Szasz has had more impact on the actual practice of psychiatry in this country than anyone since Freud.” — The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
“The primary function and goal of the DSMs is to lend credibility to the claim that certain behaviors, or more correctly, misbehaviors, are mental disorders and that such disorders are, therefore, medical diseases. Thus, pathological gambling enjoys the same status as myocardial infarction (blood clot in heart artery). In effect, the APA maintains that betting is something the patient cannot control; and that, generally, all psychiatric ‘symptoms’ or ‘disorders’ are outside the patient’s control. I reject that claim as patently false.”
“The ostensible validity of the DSM is reinforced by psychiatry’s claim that mental illnesses are brain diseases—a claim supposedly based on recent discoveries in neuroscience, made possible by imaging techniques for diagnosis and pharmacological agents for treatment. This is not true. There are no objective diagnostic tests to confirm or disconfirm the diagnosis of depression; the diagnosis can and must be made solely on the basis of the patient’s appearance and behavior and the reports of others about his behavior.”
“The problem with psychiatric diagnoses is not that they are meaningless, but that they may be, and often are, swung as semantic blackjacks: cracking the subject’s dignity and respectability destroys him just as effectively as cracking his skull. The difference is that the man who wields a blackjack is recognized by everyone as a thug, but one who wields a psychiatric diagnosis is not.”
“The discovery that all mental diseases are brain diseases would mean the disappearance of psychiatry into neurology.”
“No behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. There is no mental disease. Period.”
“I don’t deny the existence of brain diseases; on the contrary, my point is that if mental illnesses are brain diseases, we ought to call them brain diseases and treat them as brain diseases—and not call them mental illnesses and treat them as such. In the 19th century, madhouses were full of people who were ‘crazy’; more than half of them, as it turned out, had brain diseases—mainly neurosyphilis, or brain injuries, intoxications, or infections. Once that was understood, neurosyphilis ceased to be a mental illness and became a brain disease. The same thing happened with epilepsy.”
“My argument was limited to the proposition that mental illness is a myth, whose function it is to disguise and thus render more palatable the bitter pill of moral conflicts in human relations.”
“If schizophrenia…turns out to have a biochemical cause and cure, schizophrenia would no longer be one of the diseases for which a person would be involuntarily committed. In fact, it would then be treated by neurologists, and psychiatrists then have no more to do with it than they do with Glioblastoma [malignant tumor], Parkinsonism, and other diseases of the brain.”
「假如精神分裂症 ……被發現有生物化學上的起因及治療方式,精神分裂症就不再是能讓人強制住院的疾病之一,而是神經科醫師治療的對象。然後精神科醫師就管不到這種病人了,就像他們也管不到膠質母細胞瘤(一種惡性腫瘤)、巴金森氏症,以及其他的腦部疾病一樣。」
“Psychiatry does not commit human rights abuse. It is a human rights abuse.”
“It’s not science. It’s politics and economics. That’s what psychiatry is: politics and economics. Behavior control, it is not science, it is not medicine.”
“It’s an epidemic of psychiatry that we are dealing with. We don’t have an epidemic of mental illness, we have an epidemic of psychiatry.”
“Schizophrenia is defined so vaguely that, in actuality, it is a term often applied to almost any kind of behavior of which the speaker disapproves.”
“In my view, involuntary hospitalization and the insanity defense ought to be abolished, exactly as slavery was abolished, or the disfranchisement of women was abolished, or the persecution of homosexuals was abolished. Only then could we begin to examine so-called ‘mental illnesses’ as forms of behavior, like other behaviors.”
“For centuries, involuntary psychiatric interventions were regarded as things done for the so-called patient rather than as things done to him…increasing numbers of persons, both in the mental-health professions and in public life, have come to acknowledge that involuntary psychiatric intervention are methods of social control. On both moral and practical grounds, I advocate the abolition of all involuntary psychiatry.”
“Modern psychiatry dehumanizes man by denying …the existence, or even the possibility, of personal responsibility of man as a moral agent… (the psychiatric mandate) is precisely to obscure, and indeed deny, the ethical dilemmas of life, and to transform these into medicalized and technicalized problems susceptible to ‘professional solutions.’”
“Psychiatrists and other behavioral scientists continue to pour out an uninterrupted stream of articles and books allegedly demonstrating that man has no free will. By debunking free will and responsibility, professionals in the mental health discipline seek to legitimize themselves as bona fide scientists; at the same time, they also try to endear themselves to the politicians and the public by promising to control crime, which they call excessive violence….”
“Mental patients do not need mental hospitals; they need asylums—places of refuge where they would be protected from coercion by persecutors posing as protectors.”